Usually this software will attempt to connect to your printer, but this process will most likely fail on campus. Run the installation software provided by the manufacturer. Driversĭepending on your printer, you may have to preinstall drivers. You can always contact the help desk to see if we can assist. Refer to those instructions to get that information and follow through with the rest of these instructions. Your printer’s manufacturer will have documentation on how to retrieve either address. The unique address is always the hostname followed by. The DNS address will always remain the same regardless of your printer’s IP address. The difference between these addresses is that using an IP address will eventually result in your printer not working as its IP address is subject to change. However, most printers support getting a unique DNS address. This can be used to connect your printer.
Once you’ve connected your printer successfully to Brown-Guest, it will get an IP address. Get Your Printer’s IP Address or DNS Address
You can refer to this knowldegebase article on how to connect your printer to the Brown-Guest network. NoteThe instructions below are meant for Brown University members who are attempting to connect their personal printer to their computer on Brown wireless networks.